I Remember Leon clarinet choir parts

12,00 € each

Small jazzy piece for clarinet ensemble or harmony orchestra.

In two parts, an introduction and a theme of blues, this piece, composed and recorded in tribute to Léon Leblanc (famous musician and clarinet factor, inventor of genius), gives a jazz touch to the orchestra and allows an improvisator to play on the accompaniment of blues.

This version is for clarinet orchestra: small clarinet Eb, 1st and 2nd clarinet Bb, alto clarinet, bass, contralto and double bass clarinet, accompanied by the conductor.

This piece can be accompanied by a jazz trio (piano, double bass, drums). Sheet music on order by mail: contact@michelpellegrino.comAlso available as a clarinet set

(Download in pdf format)

On display!

1erecouvsouleu 1After "The Plume of Roseau", "The Island of Gold" and "The Soul of the Earth", Michel Pellegrino comes back to the Provençal language, in the line of his previous recordings: "Pelegrin", "La Fouant de Vido", "Canta" and "Jazzin'Oc".
This new opus presents 12 titles all in Provençal language with their translation in opposite, with reproductions of ink drawings made with the "Canne de Provence", the cane magnify the beauty of the shores and the landscapes of Provence.
Saxophones, clarinets, galoubets, accordion, guitar, piano, percussion, all the instruments mingle with the voice, and magnify the music of the provençal language.

To order click here
